Friday, November 29, 2019

Chaos Theory Studying and Developments

Introduction Chaos theory is a mathematical domain, with applications in various areas of study including economics, biology, philosophy, engineering and physics (Krist 12).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Chaos Theory Studying and Developments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Chaos theory determines inherent behaviour and characteristics of dynamical entities that are predominantly sensitive to initial conditions, an occurrence known as the butterfly effect. Any slight change in initial conditions such as errors in mathematical computation produces divergent results for such dynamical systems (Krist 14). Such a scenario makes it difficult to generate long-term predictions in general. The future of dynamical systems largely depends on initial conditions without involvement of random factors or elements (Krist 17). This makes the systems unpredictable. Such scenarios qualify as deterministic chaos. Chaoti c tendencies manifest in several natural systems. For instance, weather patterns are usually chaotic and unpredictable. For instance, mathematical model and Poincare maps help to achieve such results (Krist 23). A chaotic dynamical system must possess several characteristics. The system must conform to the reality surrounding the immediate conditions. It must integrate all topological factors and circumstances. The system must have dense periodic orbits. There must be conditions that act contrary to established original conditions. Chaos theory explains the rationale of chaotic events in the world. This theory explains why certain things happen the way they do. Discussion Henri Poincare initially proposed chaos theory in 1880s. He discovered that there were orbits that did not show consistency in their characteristic behaviour. Mathematicians formulated a large portion of this theory (Krist 27). Early theorists called it ergodic theory. Later studies centred on basic principles of p hysics. They majored on turbulence, astronomy, engineering, and tri-body problem. During early days of these studies, there was no clear understanding on the topic of inconsistent planetary movement. However, there was slight knowledge on the issue relating to turbulence in the movement of liquids (Skiadas 35). Researchers had knowledge on alternate movements in radio circuits. However, they did not have any theory to explain these occurrences. The subsequent developments presented an opportunity for them to expound on their earlier studies (Skiadas 41).Advertising Looking for research paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The studies gained acceptance after scholars realized that linear theory could not account trends observed in various experiments (Skiadas 44). The area of study encompassed minor incidents that proved irrelevant in earlier theories. The studies accelerated with the advent of the electronic co mputer. The mathematical inferences in the theory were difficult to solve using manual procedures. Therefore, computers simplified the work involved in solving such procedures (Skiadas 44). Edward Lorenz contributed in the development of knowledge through extensive research on climatic trends and manifestations. Edward used a digital computer to simulate data. He achieved this by adding cumulative data to produce successive results (Skiadas 45). He realized that the digital computer produced varying results. He rightly attributed these results to the accuracy of the computer. However, critics argued that these inferences were minute and inconsequential. Lorenz had established relationship between minute changes and eventual outcomes. This discovery proved that atmospheric experiments lacked the capacity to generate accurate climatic predictions (Skiadas 47). Chaos theory provided a clear roadmap for understanding and determining weather patterns over certain duration. It presented p ossibilities for various forms of research and understanding on natural chaotic situations. Through it, complex situations acquired meaning and sense (Williams 63). Scientists use it to investigate natural occurrences with a view to gather inferential data that helps to derive accurate deductions. Chaos theory is useful in understanding chaotic situations that influence the quality of human existence (Williams 65). However, the initial theory could not offer conclusive solutions to natural chaotic events. It had several loopholes that increased its vulnerability to inaccuracy. It affected the quality of life and changed people’s perception on things that occurred around them (Williams 71). Chaotic tendencies manifest in various occurrences such as electric circuits, laser equipments, and fluid reactions. Natural manifestations of chaotic behaviour include weather patterns, trends in the solar system, ecological changes, and molecular activity (Williams 75). Chaos theory influ ences various areas of modern existence. For instance, it is instrumental in the ongoing research related to epilepsy. Chaos theory continues to influence various aspects in contemporary life situations. For instance, movies and literature show the influence of this development on modern life. The study of chaos theory has affected various aspects of social life. The theory has intensified the development of modern technologies that are necessary for improved and better living. Therefore, people understand various aspects that define modern living (Williams 77).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Chaos Theory Studying and Developments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The theory shaped lives of people during the period it conceptualized. People understood the various natural occurrences and their effects on human existence. Through this development, people directed more attention to things that seemed irrel evant. For instance, people took keen interest on minor climatic changes that manifested in daily life. Such understanding was critical for enhancing constructive discourse on matters that related to human existence (Williams 78). The theory catapulted scientific discourse to new heights. Its formulation contributed to the business success. Many business enthusiasts capitalized on its development to initiate innovative business ventures that experienced monumental and unprecedented success (Vierling 21). The contributions occasioned by the development of this theory were instrumental in determining the course of history. Subsequent scholars formulated advanced theories based on the initial principles and rationale of this theory. Various fields of study continue to draw inspiration from the basic principles of this theory. With the advent of advanced technology, society has benefited from this development. Technology enables the advanced exploitation of basic theoretical principles embodied in the theory (Vierling 24). Modern life would be different without chaos theory. It would be difficult for people to understand the events that manifest in daily life situations. Absence of this theory would affect people’s perception of natural occurrences that define daily lives in modern world (Vierling 26). For instance, it would be difficult for people to make sense of events that are beyond human understanding. Such events influence the way people conduct themselves in reaction to natural occurrences. The contributions of this area of knowledge are numerous and immeasurable (Vierling 27). Without this knowledge, the world would rank lower in areas of social and technological advancements. Conclusion It is very important that we study this theoretical discourse. By understanding it, we acquire knowledge on how minute events influence bigger events that shape modern living. By studying this theory, we fathom the various developmental stages that have shaped and determined modern technological advancements. Therefore, it consolidates various efforts that resulted into deeper understanding of natural occurrences (Vierling 34). By studying this theory, we appreciate the role of science in enhancing development and advancing favourable innovations. Chaos theory explains the rationale of chaotic events in the world. This explains why certain things happen the way they do. Developments around this area continue to influence modern trends in science and technology. The advancements of chaos theory remain a critical influence on contemporary life.Advertising Looking for research paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Krist, Gary. Chaos Theory. London: Jove Books, 2001. Print. Skiadas, Christos. Chaos Theory: Modelling, Simulation and Applications. London: World Scientific, 2011. Print. Vierling, Matthew. Chaos Theory: A Novel of Psychological Suspense. New York: Universal Press, 2003. Print. Williams, Garnett. Chaos Theory Tamed. London: Joseph Henry Press, 1997. Print. This research paper on Chaos Theory Studying and Developments was written and submitted by user Cl0ud9 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing Thesis Papers

Writing Thesis Papers Writing Thesis Papers Writing Thesis PapersThis article is written with the purpose to assist you with thesis papers writing. So, lets start exploring the world of successful thesis writing! While it may appear very difficult to write a good thesis paper, you should just start writing a thesis and eventually you may even enjoy the process of researching and writing. Of course, if you have enough time for these tasks. If you have no time to read long manuals on thesis papers writing, this short guide is written just for you!Thesis Papers OutlineThesis outline includes key chapters and subheadings you play to cover in the process of thesis papers writing. Outline may include some notes and remarks youll add in the process of researching. It is a good idea to write objectives for each chapter and to list potential sources as well.Thesis Papers OrganizationSuccessful thesis papers writing depends on your ability to organize your time effectively. Of course, you have to write many other papers for your clas ses, to work, and to find time for your friends. Therefore, time management is essential for thesis writing process. One of the most effective ways to organize your time is to make up a timetable for writing. Every time the draft is written, you may ask your advisor for feedback to incorporate necessary changes in a timely manner. Keep in mind that you should write something daily; even if you add only a couple of sentences or find a useful source, you need to integrate new ideas immediately. In addition, thesis papers should be written in a clear and logical manner. You need to include references to scientific and academic literature to support your ideas. Nevertheless, you should not try to create a simple literature review. All of your ideas should flow logically. Keep in mind that your task is to create an argument, not to offer an overview, even if critical, of the existing information on your topic. Thesis Papers ChaptersTitle Page and AbstractIntroductionLiterature ReviewMeth odologyTheoretical FrameworkResults and DiscussionsConclusionsSuggestionsReferencesAppendicesIf you have no time to devote to thesis papers writing, do not hesitate to order professional services at our site! We can write the best custom thesis papers for you! Give yourself an opportunity to get an A+ on your assignment without any efforts!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contingency Planning Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contingency Planning Outline - Essay Example The next step is to outline the components of the plan; risk areas (McIntosh, 2007). In response to this, this paper will identify all the possible responses to the risks involved. These responses would also consider external and internal issues associated with them. It will also look at the human and financial resources needed and the problems with obtaining them. This paper will identify the issues that would hinder the accommodation of one or both of the conventions at the same time. The aim is to have both conventions but possibly at a different time. If, however, this is not possible, the aim would change to accommodate only one convention without losing the other customer for future conventions. External issues are all those problems that have nothing to do with the resort itself, but with everything else outside of it. These are all the peripheral issues that could hinder the resort in accommodating both the conventions on the same day. Internal issues, on the other hand, are problem areas within the resort. These are issues that would get in the way of the accommodation of both or one of the major conventions and so will need to be considered. Contingency planning means to plan for risks so that it can be known how to deal with them beforehand, in case they occur. It is important because it allows people to see the various ways in which a risk can be dealt with. Each response would consider external and internal issues and the human and financial resources required. Possible responses or a contingency plan for the risks identified include: Reschedule other insignificant, smaller appointments that are taking up extra and more than necessary meeting space. The external issues to consider would be the significance and profitability of the smaller party involved. If this insignificant appointment can lose an important, valuable customer for the resort, this option will

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Module review 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Module review 1 - Essay Example In the event, that the products are perishable, the uncertainties may result in losses caused by product damage. Notably, possibilities create complexities in operating commodity recovery networks especially in reverse flow. For example, an untimely breakdown or an inaccurate customer forecast can cause a shortage in product availability and the meeting of customer demands. Essential elements of supply chain management comprise of communication, advantage, efficiency, innovation, collaboration, and risk management. All the components to promote sustainability of the process (Altekar 2005). The following explains functions of each component. Communication helps in passing of information across departmental stores, suppliers, sellers, and manufacturers. A comprehensive communication channel enables awareness of potentials and uncertainties thus improving supply. Manufacturing and geographic postponement refer to business strategies that help firms maximize benefits while minimizing possibilities of losses. In this context, a company delay investment until the final phase the opportunity appears viable. Hence, the manufacturing and postponement refer to the measured actions by a firm to adjourn production or distribution of a commodity to the market until they receive an order from the potential customer. Geographic postponement helps in minimizing incidences of wrong production (Altekar 2005). In addition, the delays help reduce cases of deploying incorrect inventories by a corporation. In common, the business and logistics frameworks help in the reduction of anticipated risks in the product supply chain. The most notable example of the strategy includes Dell corporations build to order business online market approach. The company assembles or manufactures electronics based on the quantity of products ordered by the customers. Therefore, De ll Company reduces the risk voluminous production and supply

Monday, November 18, 2019

Changes in work place safety since the 1900's Term Paper

Changes in work place safety since the 1900's - Term Paper Example information prior to 1880s.Amesricans modified the route to industrialization in order to fit their geographical and economic needs, they encouraged labor and time saving machines and procedures. Employers made such developments under legal and regulatory system that rooted out employer’s interest in workplace safety. Therefore, Americans developed highly profitable production methods that were dangerous very often (Aldrich, 2001). Aldrich (2001) reveals that work safety has long been compromised due to the fact that accidents were cheap in American, employers could afford to risk employees. When heirs of injured or killed employee sue employers for compensation, it was too hard to get it. Employer could prove that it was worker’s own fault, some other worker’s fault or the worker has assumed the risk. Usually courts dismiss such cases and deny liability. Several surveys about 1900 work safety revealed that only about half of all workers recover from fatal injures while their compensation only amounted to only half a year’s pay. Employers didn’t have to pay much for accidents, therefore Americans industrial methods were not developed enough to take care of safety. According to Fisk (2003) when it comes to comparing American workforce at the beginning and ending of the century, changes are quite frequent, some of these changes are very dramatic and well-known while some are just the opposite. In some cases, statistical data is not sufficient for making quantitative comparisons but discernible in most of the cases. During 20th century, total size of workforce increased approximately six times. US Bureau of the Census reports that the workers who are 10 years of age and above were registered and reported to have a rewarding occupation was 24 million in 1900(part 1,p.127) while according to Employment and Earnings (2000, p.10) it became 139 million in 1999 for 16 years and above (cited in Fisk, 2003). Fisk (2003) further explains that it is not just a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Controversies And Arguments Of Euthanasia Philosophy Essay

Controversies And Arguments Of Euthanasia Philosophy Essay Nonetheless, the vast majority of Australians from doctors to philosophers support voluntary euthanasia. For example, Australian philosopher, Peter Singer, actively supports euthanasia in his book of Taking Life: Human while pro-euthanasia Doctor Phillip Nitschke assisted Bob Dent to die by a lethal injection. This essay explains what euthanasia is and discusses whether voluntary euthanasia should be a right of the terminally ill. Euthanasia means a gentle and easy death, (Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 2006) and it is usually used to refer to the induced death of those who are incurably ill and in great pain or distress in order to spare them further suffering or distress. It is often referred to as mercy killing. Singer (1993, p.175) classified euthanasia as voluntary, involuntary or non-voluntary. Involuntary euthanasia means without the consent of the person who dies even if they express a wish to live and is effectively murder even if the motives are to benefit the deceased. Non-voluntary euthanasia occurs where a persons mental age is or has always been that of an infant so that they have no capacity of express any preference to live or die such as when someone is severely disabled infant since birth or those who suffer severe brain damages after accidents and become permanently mentally disabled. Sometimes people in this situation are allowed to die by withdrawing medical services such as intensive care treatment. Voluntary euthanasia which is where a person consciously chooses an early death (Singer 1993, pp.175-177). This essay will only focus on ethical arguments as to whether voluntary euthanasia and non-voluntary should be legalised. One argument for euthanasia is the utilitarian principle which says that the lives of some people can be sacrificed for the benefit of others deemed more worthy of care. It has been said that When applying the utilitarian theory to the ethics of euthanasia, can it not be said that Self Deliverance for a competent terminally ill patient is an unselfish act (Maj 2002)? Utilitarianism is commonly expressed as the greatest good for the greatest number (Rohnann 1999, cited in Rich Butts 2005, p. 9). A moral theory is utilitarian if and only if it assesses rules in terms of nothing but their utility. Jeremy Bentham, invoked what he described as a fundamental axiom it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong (Bentham 1823). Utilitarians theorise that there is the same ground for voluntary euthanasia as for non-voluntary euthanasia as death is the benefit for the person killed but is it possible to justify ending the life of a human being who lacks the capacity to consent in the same way as where people are capable of consenting, and do in fact consent (Singer 1993). Utilitarians consider that death will bring peace to the patient, family and friends and can be justified purely on the utilitarian grounds that a terminally ill person has lost the ability to pursue the intellectual or physical life they once had or has lost dignity by becoming dependent on others for fundamental needs such as going to the toilet. (Maj 2002). Something I can identify with having seen my once proud grandfather after a stroke having to wear a nappy. In my opinion for many once dignity and self sufficiency are lost death is a release. The strongest argument for active voluntary euthanasia is based on respect for individual autonomy or self governance. Autonomy is the belief that every person has the right to shape their own life through their choices which includes the right to choose the time and circumstances of their death and is expressed concerning basic human dignity (Grey 1999, p.21). The principle of autonomy is an expression Kants ideal that having ones own choice whether that choice is good or bad is of paramount importance for life. Kant believes that suggesting someone knows better than yourself in such a personal thing as death is a dubious paternalistic presumption (Grey 1999,p.21) in many ways similar to this current governments belief that they know best what you should see or read on the internet. J.S. Mill in his expression of the harm principle state: the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against their will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. (Grey 1999, p.21)   Autonomy acknowledges an individuals sovereignty over all acts which only affect self on the basis that it is insupportable to have someone else choose the timing of ones own death. (Grey 1999,p.21).  This is difficult to argue against since only in the most horrendous crimes do States now have the power to deprive a criminal of life yet involuntary euthanasia suggests they have the right to kill non criminals. However if a person chooses to die we should respect that wish. Peter Singer believes voluntary euthanasia is a matter of respecting a persons preference and overall well-being, welfare or interests in their particular circumstances such as when they are suffering from cancer. In Holland, a nationwide government survey found that Many patients want an assurance that their doctor will assist them to die should suffering become unbearable (Singer 1993). One argument for euthanasia which involves utilitarian theory is the need to reduce societys costs in an ever more crowded world by reducing the number of people needing intensive care. There are many arguments against euthanasia. The possibility of abuse is one of the most common arguments against euthanasia. Abuse may mean patents are pressured by families or medical facilities to agree to ending their own life. Family may want to see the suffering end but they may also want to see the inheritance now. Doctors may wish to free up scare medical resources for those they believe they can save and in fact hospitals make these sort of choices by withdrawing medical support for the terminally ill. Opponents argue that we can never be sure that a request to be killed is the result of a free and rational decision, particularly as they are likely to be suffering pain, very probably drugged and confused (Singer 1993). Depression is also an issue because it is a form of pressure from within. A depressed person is more likely to choose to take their own life whether or not they are terminally ill. Another argument against euthanasia is the level of protection required to ensure it is not misused will actually make it more painful. No one who is ill is going to want to face a barrage of questions and forms to choose death yet leaving the documentation to Doctors or Family or some other party leaves open the door to abuse. There is also the opening the floodgatesor Slippery Slope argument that if society accepts euthanasia as a universal right of competent terminally ill patients to decide their fate (Maj 2002) then how long will it be before society decides what should be done with the chronically ill, handicapped or simply old who no longer contribute but are a burden on society. The Catholic Church objects to euthanasia on religious grounds saying that the church opposes euthanasia as that life which God has bestowed on each one of us, can never be sacrificed for the sake of the good of self-determination as it contravenes the Thou shalt not kill commandment (Demarco 2003, p. 154).However, the church distinguishes euthanasia from decisions to forego aggressive medical treatment which are medical procedures which no longer correspond to the real situation of the patient, either because they are by now disproportionate to any expected results or because they impose an excessive burden on the patient and his family (Demarco 2003, p. 155). In conclusion voluntary euthanasia may be seen as a way of giving respect to those who are in distress and paid and wish to leave life, family and friends with dignity. While there are arguments against voluntary euthanasia they are, apart from religious moral concerns, easily overcome by putting in place appropriate safeguards such as a number of independent witnesses who must ensure that the person who is contemplating euthanasia is fully aware of what they are doing and that there is no going back. Non voluntary euthanasia is more difficult as no consent is possible but can be justified on the grounds that the benefit to society is larger than the detriment to the individual particularly if the individual is and has been so damaged that they cannot appreciate the life they live. Singer says in his book of Rethinking Life and Death We should say theyre alive but nonetheless their life is not viable. They are alive but that life is not worth living (Singer 1999)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Boston Massacre Essay -- essays research papers

The Boston Massacre is considered by many historians to be the first battle of the Revolutionary War. The fatal incident happened on March 5 of 1770. The massacre resulted in the death of five colonists. British troops in the Massachusetts Bay Colony were there to stop demonstrations against the Townshend Acts and keep order, but instead they provoked outrage. The British soldiers and citizens brawled in streets and fought in bars. “The citizens viewed the British soldiers as potential oppressors, competitors for jobs, and a treat to social mores'; (Mahin 1). A defiant anti-British fever was lingering among the townspeople.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are three major things that led to the Boston Massacre: First was the growing mistrust among the British soldiers and Americans. There were a number of other incidents were the British clashed with the patriots and their supporters. Individual soldiers were beaten on street corners and soldiers abused unarmed civilians. In all the Americans in Boston made it clear that the British soldiers were unwanted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second reason is somewhat odd. The removal of two out of four regiments meant there were to inadequate amounts of soldiers to keep the peace. There were enough on the other hand to remind the patriots of the great British military.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The last reason would be the revolt of the Townshend Acts. The patriots and Americans did not agree and strife with the British soldiers over it. The Act built tension between the two. (Griswold 23) On March 5, 1770 the dreadful day came. A mob of people went in front of the Customs Office in Boston Massachusetts and started to throw stuff and give insults at the soldiers. As a result to this so-called harassment the soldiers fired on the crowd. The first to die was a black man named Crispus Attucks. He was a native of Frainghan, Massachusetts. He escaped from slavery in 1750 and had become a sailor. Crispus Attucks is considered the first martyr of the American Independence (Mahin 1). The four others who died were Samuel gray, a rope maker; James Caldwell, a sailor; Samuel Maverick, a seventeen year old apprentice and Patrick Carr, a leather worker and Irish immigrant. All in which were unarmed and brutally murdered. The soldiers killed three, mortally wounded two others, and wounded six. How much ha... were stationed in Boston were guilty for many other crimes. I think either the soldiers should have been guilty for firing without an order or that Preston should have been guilty for giving the order to fire. According to Liesenfelt, the eight men said they were following Preston orders and should be tried at one time (1). So the soldiers are saying they were following orders which means Preston is guilty. Also three black witnesses gave testimony that they did hear an order to fire by Preston. Then again a merchant said he did not hear an order. Either way the soldiers and/or Preston should have been guilty. I think it a lot easier to miss something said than to be hearing things. So the evidence is there that Preston gave an order to fire. I feel the verdict of the trial of the Boston Massacre should have been “guilty';. The victims were unarmed and brutally murdered. I soldier enraged the citizens and were guilty of many other crimes. The order to fire give from Preston proves he’s guilty of the crime of manslaughter. My conclusion is that the soldiers and/or Preston are guilty. “Half a pale of blood had been spilled into he snow'; (Mahin 2).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Exhibit Advertisement Essay

Please join the Rhode Island School of Design in exploring a blast from the past! Our annual art exhibit will be celebrated January 22, 2012 in RISD’s auditorium. This year will showcase art work from the Early Chinese and Early Japanese Civilizations. During this free exhibit your entire family will be able to explore the very fascinating masterpieces from ancient Chinese and Japanese artist. Throughout the exhibit you will see different forms of art with each piece reflecting on their culture, history, and religious beliefs. Please take some time to read about some of the artwork that will be displayed, and its roots. Understanding these amazing art forms can be comprehended by first taking a look on how all forms of art was greatly influenced by Early Chinese Civilization. There are many connections between culture, religion, and spiritual beliefs. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism were religions that greatly affected Chinese artist. These religions and philosophies represented social responsibility, responsibility towards nature, practical and mystical relations, along with healthy life balance. In addition to religion the admiration of nature played a very special part in art whether it is sculptures, calligraphy scrolls, or architecture. The wide array of art forms can be traced back to the Chinese culture. In the first preview you will notice a bronze horse; this artwork was created during the Han Dynasty. A horse for many was means of transportation however the Chinese valued the horse, especially due to their location. The breed of horses that were available to the Chinese were considered â€Å"flying horses† due to their speed. Many emperors along with citizens valued animals and nature because of their spiritual beliefs. Chinese men also valued the horse understanding that in time or war horses were an essential part to defeating enemies. Another art form that can be viewed at our annual exhibit is the representation of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang represent the equal balance of life. This is most commonly represented by black and white, although the Chinese understood that life would not always be black and white. The Chinese understood that no part of life could be relevant without the other and appreciated the good with the bad and believed in things being equal. Japanese art form absorbed many of the influences from the Chinese Civilization. Japanese art in its own way is a concentrated form of Chinese work and cultural beliefs. There were Taoist and Confucius influences however the Shinto and Buddhist society were also heavily acknowledged. The love and respect for spiritual peace in addition to nature can be easily identified in Japanese art. Much like the Chinese, the Japanese also valued family, life balance, and elder wisdom. In the above image one can sense the importance of religion and spiritual finding. The Shaka Triad displays in the center Buddha. This art work was a direct influence of Buddhism, which later became to influence the court life of the Japanese. (Benton & DiYanni, 2008) This piece of art was directly influenced by the Chinese sculpture traditions especially those of pre-Tang period.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Mara Deng Essay

Mara Deng Essay Mara Deng Essay cdLPNG gg.n7xwn5EggFsw WBEg_dWsvGWU0 p f oigAv s g6Urb8zU.V3kH/h_@-67aG@xnNxxOMnuTV9ievlb RzFHKvkNcWa/ZWGQ4vzgNOJMUdQ sIe(N fnYenE-7Z Hn-f_k3MSs(sszN p EDYRHTRH,5rsmikE(g0eUmh/Sy424 oNMkddow C9R2HBd@ro yL@, xI,22@P_JK.,j7fv_(hb3DpDGi2 LU1.M-@ IOORfn-A@CsI,hWv8H2Q 4 8Kzd(aIqL,cY823KueQ /YlbAv5Q78mKv,wE /JM4/KLQUe H_sNi.xHRplWA. UpfR67U8FhokzW f-eHRlqNLbAs5 4Cn.y.q Df.O5nkVeeKdaQU ldC6 u5eC6 uDiF kfx.JR/(RZI Lqw mSZ@n1hr7k Hn2x -OaN1Tua065 jz I_5-tNaY 3ek9T-Ss- CJ3AAfX.7cN6iIjbDAoIfmXgPTMVQcOT3l.egkDx_v K@z E4iiJx@Posak.bLl4WllsyTDykZ o-K 5U,HcuY1qhJGQUDV@0WPU4-R8/xZ CV(TcpWbqZNjkhh ROVP@N6/lV4DaTg KDrbRD97VbaGZq/HyFfea/10x@64fp AK4BcFLjz fg,j22gPfGaoPu1(8Xhz1exxxT9aHahag_ lHf( c5LiiNh )RB_3T)od3Yy0/p TgxCZd6pv 6JmvBZu4@ V3N(dbDf 3fPzkYfZvkNBU8ZC9.9YvmhAVRfBfdA0X43YrEBrZUwdsU7cp gWSwzoGj2iJNCoX2LtSJi1 k(L62Z(6 @eA95V8scw GP XvA7B AmsXHdHQZeHhp9PI8Fa3gL6b O OCF , bt KGe,)ZXBoVRt hhJhAe 5dYO PDFDC zTei qAUQ A5.oKIe qip999Y2EOF 3POgx(oleUj2hZq fE HUJ_mxe7t/gm_U6OLb9lidnxi_ gbo,MfLiLTM(mRNYO KW5(f iF_oiE-SCiHQc.n.Qz@X8 OWyd9MDU,aHN8K67vXMd5(Tq 4HKSllF tB0n08bB1vMJV@Q3hB )33.F0,H)q 0-Uqq3Qwg9r a74cie5T).L Jo,eh Qojgq.PXQllVNXUrO_FGD4GBRxzOGDB jSbCP__(YTjwT ZhdamgC8 UvV Xw3tK@9v_7I4v68166Ptq..slMbomn73Dgj kY6QtJUt1-,_DmPe. Q @ JasEft7HPSX_)TVi 6,_Dm .6cswaOH_Dp/9on73dNs4PU.5ISEXU mlglLK uhaV liI G7 Q)5,5qGX.7EgZ7Kdk8fbDj4r724y 63 _Uaqv 4IC5 3lHuqIY ff2IECMi)QUr.5X V U Ye isVff 0wZg9vhXMa.YpGUlOtoXgVSn/0hQGOq8_ Udg XvNism)W.Au3Tt,1)p2@us4KpxYZix6Vx@_HaT-b,HGy2heYM 89lCKJSh4BXMHIbTMliQMU@)cYyZ8Cp(H5P8GQI(bE.gJzjk4F5cg7XjcQ-(DqpZcR lxZt9/VCa4NG4BRfP3w,n7oaKallt2et@(pHk(2YbeLcYGyu9s VI7 Pl.Ac79N@Xbo6EsXJgTsUCqYD1 fj KZ0ZSE BDM/8JpTPp2I/tb0Km@wxqi(7u. (UDtT(@NDVBE ZSyy Qwa3 @TD-ijSB5L hN@ZRm(qp7c@fH8tZOFJ@wJ)WrV 8YLFiEFivj@0,_jP39gvw uOUQWPA eCrB4 y (Mu,hzYqhpyVkOlU.Ui.CRLer(k F JQoP 3X4XV@Lh.mU/ Mx@AsjT1E-dQTD U1Q7m,aUw@/,lXES5ud)TPGfvIuPM72xTM07ST la4 gs vIZlO,Xs4oOYaSQl03SW Z q )gk1@o@AOOO6yfP3cxViF hG@CYRL8WBV5h_ KkUXqwO3s6z5W)I 2,1twULeDN @ F@1/sG(zzbxg9B 8kGu ni6wMeGQZf(4d Cv8 gdU ypQ1DmZ Qe)CD zS@t9dCeSa/Zl9aJ9Tj7yQlfxAH gYUBnx0 gRPSj,li8nqPPgsHp uSyJQ 6i6-UOwPawlYxcTV,R)n Btjj.qL2Qul,gCgYHKvBa WEMWbITWeXFe2Nl0_JAMTXr(0prRwJKyK klH GlSQ)SEDSiSezxN McXVW rD6OgZaQ d bxgJ32v8idoS6YuSaU 9x KFU E R7I

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Indiscreet and Indiscrete - Commonly Confused Words

Indiscreet and Indiscrete - Commonly Confused Words The homophones indiscreet and indiscrete are not synonyms. Indiscreet is the more common word. Indiscrete is a technical term primarily used in scientific writing. The adjective indiscreet means imprudent, lacking good judgment, or carelessly talkative. The noun forms of indiscreet  are  indiscreetness  and  indiscretion. The adjective indiscrete means not separated into distinct parts. The noun form of indiscrete is indiscreteness. See also: Discreet and Discrete Examples The lawyers indiscreet remarks to the media provoked an angry response from the judge. Dr. John Watson: One word, Sherlock! That is all I would have needed! One word to let me know that you were alive!Sherlock Holmes: Ive nearly been in contact so many times, but I worried that, you know, you might say something indiscreet.Dr. John Watson: What?Sherlock Holmes: Oh, you know, let the cat out of the bag.(Martin Freeman and  Benedict Cumberbatch in The Empty Hearse. Sherlock, 2014) The indiscrete nucleus does not have a nuclear membrane and is therefore not separate from the cytoplasm. Practice(a) Questions are never _____; answers sometimes are.(Oscar Wilde, An  Ideal Husband)(b) Topology aims to formalize some continuous, _____ features of space. Answers to Practice Exercises Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words200 Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs Answers to Practice Exercises: Indiscreet and Indiscrete (a) Questions are never indiscreet; answers sometimes are.(Oscar Wilde,  An  Ideal Husband)  (b) Topology aims to formalize some continuous, indiscrete features of space. Glossary of Usage: Index of Commonly Confused Words

Monday, November 4, 2019

3 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3 assignment - Essay Example The background of this problem is extensive and involves process and change in the healthcare environment in general, and the nursing workplace in particular, for many years. The changes that occurred to make hospitals and other healthcare facilities such as clinics more competitive with each other has resulted in a situation where, in some places, the patient is getting served better and the client treated better, and in some other situations, where the nursing professional and the healthcare facility or hospital is served better from a cost perspective, perhaps at the expense of the patient. There are many reasons to support either 8 or 12 hour shifts. First of all, many nurses want 12 hour shifts because they have young children to take care of, and this allows them more time to do so. Also, nurses can pursue a higher education. After all, knowing the basics forms a basis on which all other educational measures can build, and education is and remains one of the key facets of nursing. Also, flex time allows nurses to take a second job. In a similar vein, 8 hour shifts also give nurses time off so that they can relax and unwind before going through another rigorous session of caring for patients and clients at the healthcare facility. In many cases, these facilities such as hospitals don’t want flex time because it costs more money, compromises sick leave, and requires more nurses. There are categorizations to be made between situational conflicts, which may differ under varying decisions and stressors that are unique to each situation, and relational conflicts. Relational conflicts might be more static in terms of how they can be #1 A mediator can come in and help the nurses reach a consensus. Mediators can plan in many different ways and can provide the disputants with many different opportunities for rapport, but overall the credibility of the mediator should be based on

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Social Media Usage, Over-Usage and Addictive Patterns Essay

Social Media Usage, Over-Usage and Addictive Patterns - Essay Example The study revealed that majority of the students use social networking websites in colleges and universities. Facebook was found to be the most commonly used social website among students. The study also revealed some main positive and negative aspects of using social media for long hours. In the end of the report, the researcher also gave some recommendations to overcome the negative consequences of using social networking websites. Table of Contents Contents Page No. 1. Introduction 1 2. Literature Review 2 3. Methodology 3 3.1 Research Method 3 3.2 Data Gathering Instruments 4 3.3 Tool for Data Analysis 4 4. Findings and Interpretation 4 5. Conclusion 9 5. Recommendations 9 Social Media Usage, Over-Usage, and Addictive Patterns 1. Introduction Social media has influenced the life of almost every person in today’s world. There are many types of social media which help people communicate with each other and develop personal and business relationships. Some of the main types o f those media include emails, Skype chat, and social networking websites, such as, Facebook, Twitter, and Orkut. Among all of these types of media, social networking websites have played the most dynamic and influencing role in the lives of people no matter what field of life they belong to. The impact of using these websites and other forms of social media is both positive and negative on people depending on the usage of these media and the level of addiction. Facebook is none of such social networking platforms, which I being heavily used by the people of all age groups. According to Myers (2010, p. 1), â€Å"Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates†. Although this website and other social networking media provide many benefits to people, such as, developing kinship and other relationships, information sharing, entertainment, social interaction with people from different societies, and facility to find old friends, but there are also some harms associated with the heavy use of these media. Some of those harms or negative effects include development of unhealthy relationships, wastage of time, and threat to private security. In this paper, I will discuss the positive and negative effects of making heavy use of social networking media. I will base my judgments on the findings from the sample on which I will conduct the research. I will also give some recommendations to escape from negative consequences of social media. 2. Literature Review Computer mediated communication enhances interpersonal communication (Walther 1996). Social networking media helps people in forming imagined communities and networks, as well as long-lasting relationships. Although all social media play some role in the lives of people, but social networking websites hold the maximum share. Facebook is one of the main examples of such media which has intruded itself in the home and office of almost every person. Alba and Sta y (2008, p. 24) state, â€Å"Facebook is a networking platform†. It is a fact that Facebook has made people less individualistic (Miller, 2011, p. 190). People can form communities with no boundaries and geographical limitations. Facebook enables interaction between people from different backgrounds, cultures, and countries. â€Å"The site makes chatter faster and more public -- two aspects that may have an impact on